Friday, October 3, 2008

"Dream Lover Come Rescue Me"

I've come to some conclusions recently:
-I'm dating Matt Blodgett.
-I'm fucking blowing it, while killin' it at the same time...
-I am the captain of a sinking ship.
-Babefamfade 4 lyfe!
-I'm a 7 from behind.
-Goat on a cliff?
-I need Xanax like Damon does.
-I want to make love to the Spacejam Soundtrack.
-I'm having knee surgery in a week, I'm fucked.
-Chicks do not even see me.
-Babel speaks her mind. She's the raddest.
-I'm the only person who could put a gun to their head and get 2 shots off.

This is going to be retardedly awesome. Show up and show love for everyone involved. We're also sharing the shine with Damon and Armin as their B-days are this week as well.
Go to this or get fucked. No excuses. If you don't show up your getting SARS!


Mo said...

Best title ever used in a blog...."I need you so desperately won't you please come around cause I wanna share forever with you baaaaabyyyyy." Lets dance Boo.
p.s. what's SARS?

m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

silly MO, SARS stands for:
Single, Alone and Ready to Shine.
google it, its science.

Sea Bee said...

real talk with with matt...