Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"We could be heroes"

So there's a place in PA. that serves the gnarliest burgers you'd ever see. They have 1,2,3,4,and 5 pounders but their lil slice of heaven is their 15 lb. cheeseburger, after toppings it comes out to be 20 lbs. of lovin. They also have a double stacked 50 lb. cheeseburger. (It's taller than a 4th grader) I always have and always will be a conosaur of cheeseburgers, anything to do with them eating them, cooking them, and where to get the best ones wherever you may be. I saw the picture of this guy and the burger he killed and questioned it, could I do it? I guess we'll find out next time I go to PA. It took this dude 4.5 hours to finish it and got $400 and 4 free T-shirts. Captain Awesome took in 10,000 calories in 1 sitting, his arteries love him. He is hero status in my book.

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