Monday, October 6, 2008

"The Velvet Sun That Shines on Me and You"

Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday, it meant the world. To many best-worst dudes under one roof.

The nut was chanted, babefamfade and rayyych were screamed, $1 beers are awesome, and the night progressively got more amazing as we crawled into it.
Honorable mentions:
-Trev can elbow drop through anything, and anyone.
-Ali and Gerrard love to puke.
-Babe of Maine showed self-control
-Curt Still can't dance.
-Al and Nate can dance really well.
-Demal is the funniest dude on the planet.

And the BURDFACE award goes too...

Taste, you killed it. I've been in those same shoes before. Nothin but shine fam, your still a 10 in this pic babe.

1 comment:

GhetoBurd said...

YUP...we all always win...bff for life...xo