Friday, October 31, 2008

"Raise ya swords"

I've never been a big fan of halloween. When I was a seed I was the same thing every year, a ninja. 5 straight years I was in all black dyed pajamas with a plastic sword, nunchuks, and plastic throwing stars, my parents thought I was retarded, I always aspired to be a real ninja...well you can see where it got me. I still get hyped on ninjas and shit to this day, this is one of my favorite ninjas...

I also don't like candy, never have never will, once in a while i'll enjoi a snickers or a zagnut. I handed candy out at the shop tonight tore through 12 bags all types of quick. Had to put this out to scare the seeds off when I ran out...

One of the other reasons I don't care for halloween is the chick factor, ya'll know what I speak of..."slutty _____" whatever you ladies wear its a reason to look like a whore and not be called out on it. Well ya stank ass shouldn't be wearin' what your wearin' any other day during the year so don't let halloween be any different. Ya fat stooty stankin' mothfucka' put ya damn toes away!

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GhetoBurd said...
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