Monday, December 8, 2008

"Some will win, some will lose"

This all-star cast doesn't lose. From the first cinnamon roll to start the weekend out, to the last one Sunday evening upon leaving each other, we didn't lose. We won so hard that a house full of dudes had to challenge the title in the middle of the street and bottles were smashed, fist were thrown, and shit was talked, and of course we came out on top.

Thanks to everyone for drinking beers from the time we woke up til the time we passed out. Demal for the non-stop comedy, Armin for putting me up and the entire Boston crew for an epic weekend, winning is too graceful for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's with the creepy all dude finger wheel game thing... you know that's how "it all starts" right..