Sunday, November 30, 2008

"What would you think if I sang out of tune?"

The last 5 days have been nothing short of mythical. So good to see everyone home, and to have most of the BFF in one city for a weekend, talk about triptifam. JC thank you for the photos, Suz thank you for the homemade granola and congrats on the promotion! Damon we're going to win, Lynch fucking kills it! My beard looks like someone's pubic region from the 80's...

Boatwright, do you think I'm pretty?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Visualizing the realism of life and actuality"

"What you need to do is be thankful for the life that you got. Stop lookin' at what you ain't got, and start bein' thankful for what you do got."

Trev, Mitch, and I woke up this morning and went down to the Plaza, stood in line for an hour an a half and got 19 meals from equinox and dropped them off to people who might not have a Thanksgiving otherwise. It feels good knowing your small contribution of time and effort can go so far for your local community and those less fortunate living within it. I look forward to volunteering or helping those who may not be able to help themselves during the holiday season, and whenever else possible during the regular year.
I'd like to thank Trev and Mitch for killing it, it was fun as much as it was helpful. Everyone else who volunteered today, book kid, and everyone at Equinox for making shit happen.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Sunday Bloody Sunday"

Had an epicly "lazy Sunday" yesterday...slept until 1pm, met some babefamfaders for "suicide Sunday" on ye ol stool, bacon cheeseburgers, beers, cheese fries, Preston dancing, beers, ranch, painkillers, and more beers. Special thanks to J.C. for coming out, I love it when a lady eats a cheeseburger gets me so hyped, I don't know why.

I want it as bloody as you can make it.

Hickey...ya blew it!

Friday, November 21, 2008

"Brighter than sunshine"

This one goes out to my Lil man, Preston Noble Lucas. This beautiful lil creature has taken a better piece of this cynical heart. He is my nephew/godson of sorts not by blood, but all heart. I've seen more of Preston in his year and a half on Earth than I have my
nephew who's going on 4. Lil sweet comes in the shop and kicks it like no other, he's my favorite guest. This kid has smiles for miles and is the raddest lil human I've met he's killing it harder than most. Him and Mabel will make the cutest couple ever, I'll make it happen in a couple years.

Enjoi the snow fam, there's plenty more where that came from...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"I've got some things on my mind"

This song describes the mind state I've been in lately to a tee. These dudes are sick, and I can't wait to see them live. I guess one of the members is from Albany which is semi-rad. I don't look like the lead singer do I? Someone's said that and I ain't hearin' it. My old room mate also said I look like "the white Tyrese", that shit sucked. I'm workin the shop the next 3 days open to close, beers in the fridge...let's do this!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"No digity"

The pic is a silent conversation upon arriving to my bar stool partner before telling each other how pretty we are.

"Same time, same place"...There's nothing like getting the same txt everyday from the same amazing person who knows what you go through in your everyday of trying to forget about the past, live in the present, and not think too hard about the future. There are only a phew that know the struggle I live, I'm glad there babefamfaders.

xo Fam xo

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"I found out long ago"

"It's a long way down the holiday road"...but a short ride to Brooklyn never hurt the soul. Good weekend with the babefam and the crew. This shit needs to happen more often than not.

Uhh...this is Nick, from your crew.

Ya'll skate? Massimo and C.Rapp tryin to get the Spitfire incentive.


Clickity clack 4,5,who!?!

Matt Damon

Deertick was sick! Hyped Bova came down, glad Suz came out, and big thanks to Nick Ace and Allie for traveling all the way out to BK to see the fam. Massimo, Bova, and Nick ya'll fade right! 712 Brooklyn!
babefam xo

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Today was a good day"

This kid fucking kills it.

Shit was rad 125,000 at Grand park showin' love for Obama, and in Arizona there were 34 people booing when his name was mentioned by second best and his sidekick, that type of ignorance is priceless. I'm welcoming Obama to the Babefamfade family...get burded fam!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"It was always burning"

"Since the worlds been turning"...

Holy fuck, could you imagine!?! Drink wine and take pain pills and you'll dream like this too!