Thursday, January 29, 2009

"You make me feel so brand new"

"And I wanna spend my life with you"...It's not who, it's what. Bacon, is it wrong that every time I hear "Lets stay together" by Al Green I think of bacon? I mean every line in the song can apply to bacon and myself together at some point in my life. I have a handful of friends that also appreciate this beautiful cut of meat as much as I do. Follen aka my nut, and I had an hour long conversation about bacon and shared pics of it upon awakening on a frat mattress next to one another in Filthadelphia. Anyway Marshall is having the Super Bowl Party at his place again, and I'm calling it out right now, both teams playing already lost...I will win Sunday with this...

What is it you ask? Well I like to think of it as "Heavens appetizer" cause if I ran Heaven it would be the first thing you ate after being ushered through the gates. This is the "Bacon Explosion" 3 lbs. of straight love is what I'm all about.
First we weave the bacon together.

Second we lay the sausage atop the bacon weave.

Third we of course layer the sausage with more bacon.

Fourthly we roll up all the love in to our explosion.

And last but not least we cook our beautiful creation.

This bad boy is 5,000 calories and 500 grams of fat, so please keep your appetite open on Sunday when I black and blue ya whole crew with this gem.

Monday, January 26, 2009


So its been six months since the last time I stepped on a skateboard. Never thought I'd be so bummed on not being able to skate, for the first time since 95' I don't have bruises covering my shins, ankles that ache, and wrists that feel ready to fall off. I went to the Dr.'s and he said my knee is solid, all I have to do is build up the muscle I lost in my leg. Hopefully be pushing by April and snapping my tail by May. The only thing that has been keeping me hyped is watching dudes have friendly games and this dudes part.

If only everybody could be this easy on the eyes when it comes to watching someone skate.

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Oh don't you put me on the back burner"

"Yeah, you know you gotta help me out"...actually you don't have to help me out but you should do your part and help someone out who might not be able to help themselves out in this cold ass winter weather and the way the economy is as of late. J.C. and the good hearted bunch at Bombers are having a jacket donation night, do what you'll come back around.

And don't forget about Deer Tick at the Madison Grill 2/16/09. Come show support for an ill ass band that Matt has gone out his way to get to come and play the songs we drink to on a regular basis. You know all the Babe Fam Faders will be in attendance for this one.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"You want it I got it, go get it I'll buy it"

Went to the city of brotherly love this week, and like usual the crew was untouchable and we focused the city in so many ways. Moose, C-ROLL, trade show, the nut, graff, a set of stairs to a cellar door, strip club, old friends, new friends, BACON, the nut, blackout, killing it, blowing it, terrets, getting rad, being rad, staying rad. Thanks to Vicky for putting us up for the night, and everyone else who came out for the good times...

Friday, January 9, 2009

"I'm not sick but I'm not well"

This week has sucked. Been sick since Sunday and it fuckin' blows, I get sick once a year and thought I was going to get away with a free pass, as Diddy would say "eh eh eh eh." Life has consisted of medicine head and computer eyes all week, open to close everyday then straight home to hot right now.

Dayquil, MSM, glucosimine, vitamin C, vitamin B, Ibprofen, Aleve, and oxycodones are in heavy rotation all day, I feel like a drug dealer when putting this in my lunch bag every morning. Filthadelphia on Tuesday, get ready to fade.


Monday, January 5, 2009

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end"

2009 started out right, the lovely JC hosted a New Years eve gathering for the fam and made the illest deviled eggs my stomach could take. Thank you for the hospitality babe. Saturday we went to see the River Rats, free pretzel with every beer is the tightest shit ever, we were 10 deep and had a blast. From there we went to Valentines to see Joe and Kyle's band "It's Alive" cover some band I've never heard of cause I'm the only human being who never listened to hardcore music growing up. House party after made me and Dave feel old...nuff said.

This dude came for a visit, courtesy of Torello...

Sunday was tight, went out to Troy kicked it with Matt and Waylon, Mosca was there but he doesn't count until he starts drinking again. Met Sarah and Kevin and got our grub on righteously thanks to the Troy Brew Pub.

Get that famburger babes...
